How To Clean Crayon Off Your Walls and Keep Them Looking

Crayons are a favorite tool for young artists, but they can also be a source of frustration for parents when they end up on the walls. Crayon marks can be stubborn and difficult to remove, but with the right approach, you can eliminate them and keep your walls looking fresh. In this blog, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process for cleaning crayons off your walls and provide tips for keeping them looking their best.

Understanding The Types of Paint On Your Walls

Understanding the type of paint on your walls is an important first step in removing crayon marks. Different types of paint require different approaches for cleaning, so it’s essential to know what you’re working with. For example, oil-based paint is more durable and easier to clean than latex paint, but it also requires using solvents that are unsafe for all surfaces. On the other hand, latex paint is more sensitive and can be easily damaged by harsh cleaning products. You can perform a simple water test to determine the type of paint on your walls. Apply a few drops of water to the wall, and if the paint beads up, it’s likely oil-based. If the water is absorbed, it’s probably latex paint. Knowing the type of paint on your walls will help you choose the right cleaning solution and approach for removing crayon marks.

Understanding The Types of Paint On Your Walls

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

your walls decorated in a rainbow of colors, courtesy of the family’s crayon-wielding artists? If so, you may wonder how to clean the mess without damaging your walls. The good news is that restoring your walls to their former glory with just a few simple cleaning supplies is possible.

First and foremost, you’ll need a few basic items: paper towels or cotton rags, white vinegar, baking soda and water. You’ll also want some scrubbing device, such as an old toothbrush or kitchen sponge. Gather all these items before beginning your project, making the job much easier and faster. Then, once you have everything on hand, you’re ready to clean those crayons off your walls!

Test Your Cleaning Solution In an Inconspicuous Spot

Before applying your cleaning solution to the crayon marks, it’s important to test it in an inconspicuous spot. This is especially important when using a new product or cleaning solution. The last thing you want is to cause damage to your walls or change the colour of the paint.

To test your cleaning solution:

  1. Apply a small amount to a small, inconspicuous area, such as the baseboard or a room corner.
  2. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it away with a soft cloth.
  3. Observe the area for any changes in color or texture. You can use the cleaning solution on the crayon marks if the paint remains unchanged.

Testing your cleaning solution in an inconspicuous spot is a simple but crucial step in ensuring the safe and effective removal of crayon marks from your walls.

Apply Your Cleaning Solution

Once you have tested your cleaning solution and confirmed that it wouldn’t damage your walls, you can apply it to the crayon marks. Depending on the cleaning solution you’ve chosen, you may need to mix it with water or dilute it in another way. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and only use the recommended cleaning solutions.

To apply the cleaning solution, use a soft cloth or sponge to dab it onto the crayon marks. Avoid scraping or rubbing the marks, as this can spread the crayon or damage the paint. Instead, gently blot the solution onto the marks, working in small sections. If the marks are particularly stubborn, you may need to let the cleaning solution sit for a few minutes to give it time to penetrate the crayon and loosen it from the wall.

Applying your cleaning solution is important in removing crayon marks from your walls. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cleaning solution is applied effectively and without causing damage to your walls.

Scrub The Crayon Stains

Once you have applied your cleaning solution, it’s time to scrub the crayon stains. This step involves gently removing the crayon marks from the wall using a soft-bristled brush or a sponge. The objective is to loosen the crayon without damaging the paint or spreading the marks.

To scrub the crayon stains, use a circular motion and apply gentle pressure—work in small sections, focusing on one stain at a time. If the crayon is particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat the cleaning solution step and let it sit for a few more minutes before scrubbing again. And important to be gentle when scrubbing the crayon stains. Avoid using excessive force or a harsh scrubbing motion, as this can cause damage to the paint and make the marks worse. If the stains are still not coming off, try using a different cleaning solution or call a professional for help.

Wipe Away The Cleaning Solution

Once you have scrubbed the crayon stains, it’s time to wipe away the cleaning solution. This step involves removing any residue left behind by the cleaning solution and restoring the wall to its original condition. Use a clean, damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the cleaning solution. Start at the top of the wall and work your way down, wiping in a circular motion. Make sure to rinse your cloth or sponge frequently in clean water to remove any residue.

It’s important to thoroughly wipe away the cleaning solution, as any residue left behind can attract dirt and dust, making the walls look dingy over time. In addition, if the cleaning solution has left any marks or streaks, you may need to use a clean, damp cloth to remove them. Following these tips, you can effectively wipe away the cleaning solution and restore your walls to their original condition. This step is important in maintaining the appearance of your walls and keeping them looking fresh and clean.

Preventative Measures To Keep Your Walls Crayon-Free

Preventing crayon marks on your walls is always easier than removing them after the fact. You can take several preventative measures to keep your walls crayon-free and maintain their appearance.

  • Consider using washable crayons or washable markers for children’s drawings. These products are designed to be easily removed from walls, furniture, and clothing, making cleanup a breeze.
  • Consider placing a protective covering over your walls, such as a large piece of butcher paper or a wipe-off board. This will provide a safe and designated area for children to color and draw, keeping your walls crayon-free.
  • Monitor your children’s coloring and drawing activities. Please encourage them to colour and draw at a table or on a designated drawing surface rather than on the walls.

Following these preventative measures, you can keep your walls crayon-free and maintain their appearance for years to come. With a little effort and planning, you can create a safe and clean environment for your children to express their creativity.

Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Walls Looking Fresh.

Maintaining the appearance of your walls is an important part of keeping your home looking its best. You can follow several maintenance tips to keep your walls fresh and clean.

First, regularly dust and clean your walls to remove any built-up dirt and grime. Use a soft, damp cloth or a dusting spray to gently wipe down the walls, paying special attention to high-traffic areas.

Second, spot-clean any stains or marks as soon as they occur. The longer a stain or mark is allowed to sit, the harder it will be to remove.

Third, repaint your walls to cover any scratches, dings, or scuffs. A fresh coat of paint can instantly revive the look of your walls and make your home feel new again.

With these maintenance tips, you can keep your walls looking fresh and clean for years. With a little effort and attention, you can maintain the appearance of your walls and keep your home looking its best.


removing crayon marks from your walls can be a hassle, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done. Whether you choose a commercial cleaning or homemade solution, it’s important to test the solution in an inconspicuous spot before using it on the entire wall. Scrub the stains gently and wipe away any residue with a clean, damp cloth to restore the walls to their original condition. Finally, by following preventative measures and regular maintenance, you can keep your walls crayon-free and looking fresh for years to come. With a little effort, you can have beautiful, clean walls that add to your home’s overall beauty and comfort.

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