What Side of The House Do You Plant Hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas are a popular landscaping shrub due to their large, showy flowers. They are available in various colors, including white, pink, blue, and purple. Hydrangeas are a relatively easy plant to care for and can thrive in both sun and shade. However, one question many gardeners have is which side of the house to plant hydrangea.

Why Plant Hydrangeas On The Side of The House?

Most people don’t think twice about what side of the house they plant their hydrangeas on. However, there is a good reason to plant them on the side of the house – it can protect them from cold winds and allow them to get more sun.

If you live in an area with cold winters, planting your hydrangeas on the south or west side of the house can help protect them from cold winds. The sun also warms up the soil on these sides of the house, so your plants will benefit from that extra warmth.

In general, hydrangeas do best in full sun to partial shade. So, if your goal is to get more blooms on your plants, planting them on the side of the house that gets more sun is a good idea.

The North Side: Benefits of Planting Hydrangeas On the North side of  The house

The North Side: benefits of planting hydrangeas

When it comes to planting hydrangeas, the North Side of the house is often the best location. There are a few reasons, including that the North Side typically receives more sun than the South Side. Additionally, planting on the North Side can help protect your hydrangeas from strong winds.

Overall, there are several benefits to planting hydrangeas on the North Side of your house. If you’re looking for a location that will give your plants plenty of sun and protection from strong winds, the North Side is a great option.

The South Side: benefits of planting hydrangeas on the south side of the house

When planting hydrangeas, many people need to know which side of the house is best. While there are benefits to planting hydrangeas on the north side of the house, the south side has its advantages. One of the biggest benefits of planting on the south side of the house is that they will get more sun. This is especially beneficial in areas where winters are long and harsh. The extra sun will help the plants to bloom earlier and stay in bloom longer. Another benefit of planting  on the south side of the house is that they will be protected from strong winds. This can help to keep the blooms from being damaged or broken off.

The East Side: benefits of planting hydrangeas on the east side of the house

Hydrangeas are a beautiful addition to any home, and they can provide several benefits when planted on the east side of the house. The east side of the house receives the most sunlight during the day, which is ideal for. They will also be protected from strong winds on this side of the house.

Hydrangeas require little maintenance and can thrive in a variety of soil types. They are also drought-tolerant once they are established. When planting hydrangeas on the east side of the house, choose a spot that receives plenty of sunlight and has well-drained soil.

The West Side: benefits of planting hydrangeas on the west side of the house

If you’re looking for a colorful addition to your home’s exterior, consider planting  on the west side of the house. Doing so has several benefits, including extending the blooming season and protecting the plant from the afternoon sun.

Hydrangeas are a popular choice for adding color to gardens and landscapes. They come in various colors: pink, blue, purple, and white. One of the benefits of planting hydrangeas on the west side of the house is that they can extend the blooming season. The flowers bloom in early summer and continue into fall.

Another benefit of planting hydrangeas on the west side of the house is that they’re protected from the afternoon sun. This is especially beneficial in hot climates where the afternoon sun can be intense.

“The Best Place to Plant Hydrangeas for Optimal Growth”

Hydrangeas are classic flowering shrubs that add beauty and curb appeal to any home. But where is the best place to plant them for optimal growth?

When it comes to hydrangeas, there are a few things to consider. First, they prefer filtered sunlight or partial shade. They also need well-drained, moist soil. And lastly, they like their roots to be cool, so mulching is a good idea.

Considering all this, the best place to plant  is on the north or east side of your house. This will give them the needed filtered sunlight and protect them from the hot afternoon sun. Also, make sure the soil is well-drained, and you provide plenty of water during the hot summer months.

Planting hydrangeas: pros and cons for each side of

When it comes to planting hydrangeas, there are pros and cons for each side of the house. On the plus side, planting hydrangeas on the north side of the house will protect them from the hot afternoon sun. This is especially important in areas with hot summers. Additionally, north-side plantings will receive more moisture from morning dew and evening watering. However, there are a few drawbacks to this location as well. For example, north-side plantings may be more susceptible to frost damage in colder climates. Also, leaves may suffer from scorching if there is insufficient moisture in the air.

On the other hand, south-side plantings have their advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that south-side plantings are less likely to suffer frost damage than north-side plantings.


When planting hydrangeas, it is recommended to plant them on the east or north side of the house. This is because these sides of the house receive the most sunlight during the day. By planting the hydrangeas on these sides of the house, they will be able to absorb more sunlight and grow faster.

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